Wednesday, November 11, 2009


My Dad has been in sales forever. So I called him yesterday for my first Sales 101 lesson. I think I learned some valuable concepts. Some of them are pretty old school but since I have no clue what I'm doing, I found them really helpful.

  • A successful meeting is when I have talked only 40% of the time. The customer needs to talk the other 60%.
  • Know FAB: Features, Advantages, and Benefits. In detail of each product you are trying to sell.
  • Meaning... find out what is important to the customer and know the features and advantages that provide the benefit that customer is looking for.
  • Questions are the answers, ask the right question to provide the right product. "What is important to you regarding your skin?"
  • If you have to make a statement, follow with a question. "Is that important to you?"
  • FEEL, FELT, FOUND. Example "Many people have felt aging skin is inevitability. Have you ever felt that way? Many people have found that the Galvanic Spa™ with AgeLoc™ actually reverses signs of aging, including wrinkles and sun spots. Is that important to you?" Ugggg, that is sooooo rehearsed......
  • He gave me another great example: "how do you feel about the economy and what is has done to your family's income? So many other people have felt that way as well. I have found that the Nu Skin compensation plan has dramatically helped our family's income."
  • Finally: find the probem asking quetions. And use a 3rd party story to solve the problem. I loved this suggestion because there is little to no pressure.

And really that's what I want to achieve. A way of selling a product that is no pressure, simply offering a solution to a problem.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Earlier I referred to published research regarding the AgeLoc™ product. You can find the peer-reviewed article here.

Tips for a Boutique

For my future knowledge, and for my downline, I wanted to write down here some tips to hosting a boutique booth that I got from my sponsor Shelly. Totally off-topic. Whenever I use the word "sponsor" I think of AA. I've got to use a different word because a whole weird monologue starts going in my head, including every bad AA scene I've watched in movies. Upline, maybe.

Back to reality. Shelly had some great ideas. First, supplies:

  • For the actual demos: a few mirrors, plenty of washcloths, anti-bacterial wipes, and makeup remover wipes, spray bottles, hair bands and/or clips.

  • Tons of before/after pictures, preferably displayed on easels.

  • She does a white board with the statement "Ask Me How I Saved My House" Easy, non-threatening (and true!) way to introduce the business end to people.

  • A laptop for multiple purposes: to enter the order and run the credit card on the spot for retail customers. Give them a spa you have on hand and have the online order shipped to you for future cash/check customers.

  • When the laptop isn't in use for that, use it to run the news casts for walker-by's. Find themn here.

  • Sign up sheet for people who would rather do a one-on-one demo in their home so they don't have to worry about their make up. Also be sure to push the hand or arm demos at the boutique, to get around that concern. Neck maybe too?

My first boutique is this Saturday and I am very excited!! I think it's going to be great and I'm so grateful Shelly will be there with me.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Distributor #2! Whoo hoo!

Drum roll please! I now have 2 distributors working with me! Please welcome Tessa G. She's pretty much amazing. She was on my top 3 list of people to see for numerous reasons. The girl is gorgeous, I mean drop dead stunning. Anything, seriously anything, she is selling I am buying. Because I want to look just like her.

Secondly, she's crazy sweet. You know how you never expect someone so beautiful to actually be nice? Well, she's as sweet and kind and nice and considerate as she is stunning. Amazing combination right?

And here's the kicker. She knows sales, she used to do retail and she kicked up. I'm so lucky and blessed to have her on my team, I can hardly stand it.

So I'm doing a little happy dance and I'm extra excited about her launch party, taking place Tuesday November 17. It's going to be amazing. And I'm bound and determined that she will be an Executive by the end of the month.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Science and First Picture!!

(look at her eyelid, can you see the extra "flap" on her left side that's not their on her right side? So you see the extra wrinkles above her left eyebrow that aren't on the right side?)

First off, today I did the Galvanic Spa™ Demo for my good friend L. in Mesa, AZ. L. is maybe in her 50s. I was hoping for good results but seriously, these were amazing. I took pictures but I really don't think they did the before and after justice. The biggest change was by her eyes. She had "loose skin" for lack of a better word that made her eyes look very heavy. When she was done her right eye was wide open. It literally looked like she'd had her eye "done". I love doing the Galvanic Spa™ demo on older people because the change is so much more dramatic. Is that tacky??

After my meeting with L., I was lucky enough to get to a presentation with the head scientist for NuSkin, Dr. Joseph Chang. He explained (in layman's terms) how the new product AgeLoc™ works.

Here's my interpretation:

Think back to 2003, after 20+ years of research scientists had finally mapped the Human Genome. Fast foward a couple years and researchers at Purdue are trying to find which genes produce an enzyme that produces freed radicals which creates antioxidants which causes cancer (say that 3 times fast!). Well, they happened upon the gene that caused symptoms of aging and that where NuSkin stepped in (with deep pockets).

NuSkin then partnered with LifeGen a company headed by two genetic scientists, as well as genetics professors at Stanford that focused on anti-aging genes. What came out of all that was this:

Out of our 40 or so genes, 8 or so are responsible for tissue "aging". Specifically skin structure, pigmentation, hydration, cellular turnover....

Aging is actually a balance, or imbalance, of tissue damage and repair. He gave the example of this "Think of yourself at 15 with a sprained ankle. You're down what? maybe a week? Think of yourself now or at 40 or 50 or 60 with the same issue, same torn tendons. Now you're down a good month or so. The balance of tissue damage and repair is out of whack."

So the point of AgeLoc™ is to reset those gene clusters - to increase the activity of genes responsible for repair and to decrease the activity of genes responsible for damage.

AgeLoc™ attacks the source of aging, not just the signs.

And can I tell you, the thing I loved the most, most, most about Dr. Chang's demonstration was how research-based all of the information was. Everything traced back to published research. I love that!! You just can't find that in any other "cosmetic" company.

So for now, the only products with AgeLoc™ in it are the Galvanic Spa™ gels. But being released in January to the general public, is an entire line. Some lucky people have been able to get their hands on it and a few were there today and told of some amazing results. Seriously, there was this woman who insisted she was 58 but even now I have a hard time believing it. If that face is 58, then I'm 18. :)

I could go on and on but I'll wrap it up by saying that I loved learning about the science behind the product, especially about how it's nothing anyone else has or (thanks to proprietary research) will have for the next 17 years or so.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

First Distributor!! And New Friend!

Happy Dance! Happy Dance!!

Yesterday I visited my friend Carly, who's sister-in-law Jen was visiting her family here in Gilbert. The Galvanic Spa™ did wonderful things for their faces (of course) and they decided to sign up as a team distributor. Mostly Jen wants to sell them and she's located in the San Fran/Oakland area but Shelly, my upline, has downline there as well and is confident that Jen can receive all the training she needs to be successful.

That may sound like the best new part but really it was realizing that I've gained a new friend in Jen. During her treatment she spoke about how easy it would be to sell the Spa to her mom's "saggy friends" and I was laughing so hard I almost cried. Jen is such a fun person, I'm just excited to have the excuse to talk her with her and laugh.

I have three more appointments for tomorrow and two holiday boutiques lined up. Honestly, this is going easier than I thought.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Week One

I signed up as a NuSkin distributor to sell the Galvanic Spa™ last Thursday night and today is Saturday. Well, it's after midnight so techically it's Sunday but I couldn't sleep. I had so many ideas running through my head.

I went on my first two appointments today. The first was C. She is my "older" friend that is wiser than I and tells it to me straight. After her "facial", the difference in her face was extraordinary. I was shocked but she wasn't. Her sister and two nieces own one and she already knew how great it was. She says she will buy one for Christmas. That was easy!!

I need to remember to pick the room with best lighting to do the demo. Her living room was really dark so the difference wasn't as clear until she walked us to the door and then, wow!

The second appointment was with T. She's extraordinarily beautiful so I really didn't expect to see much of a difference but, right there on her forehead. Half was wrinkle-free, half wasn't. It was crazy!! She said she noticed her cheeks being more toned but I thought her forehead was the winner.

She's very interested in the business and is going to talk it over with her husband. The funnest part was that as Shelly talked, T kept picking up the mirror to look at herself. It was so cute!

Monday morning I have an appointment with C here in Gilbert. Her sister in law will be there so I am hopeful to sell at least one unit. C from today said, "What are you worried about Elena? The thing sells itself." And it's crazily true!

Next week:

Appointments with K., C., N., and J.
Is J doing her holiday boutique?
Announcement? after my first check I think. Also will talk to K and B before I announce. I really hope T signs up so I can put those guys under her. I think it will be amazing!

What a crazy ride!

First Post!!

My name is Elena and I started selling the NuSkin Galvanic Spa™ this week. This blog will be a diary as well as a measuring stick to see if I've met my goals and how I succeeded or failed. Ready for the adventure? I am!