Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tips for a Boutique

For my future knowledge, and for my downline, I wanted to write down here some tips to hosting a boutique booth that I got from my sponsor Shelly. Totally off-topic. Whenever I use the word "sponsor" I think of AA. I've got to use a different word because a whole weird monologue starts going in my head, including every bad AA scene I've watched in movies. Upline, maybe.

Back to reality. Shelly had some great ideas. First, supplies:

  • For the actual demos: a few mirrors, plenty of washcloths, anti-bacterial wipes, and makeup remover wipes, spray bottles, hair bands and/or clips.

  • Tons of before/after pictures, preferably displayed on easels.

  • She does a white board with the statement "Ask Me How I Saved My House" Easy, non-threatening (and true!) way to introduce the business end to people.

  • A laptop for multiple purposes: to enter the order and run the credit card on the spot for retail customers. Give them a spa you have on hand and have the online order shipped to you for future cash/check customers.

  • When the laptop isn't in use for that, use it to run the news casts for walker-by's. Find themn here.

  • Sign up sheet for people who would rather do a one-on-one demo in their home so they don't have to worry about their make up. Also be sure to push the hand or arm demos at the boutique, to get around that concern. Neck maybe too?

My first boutique is this Saturday and I am very excited!! I think it's going to be great and I'm so grateful Shelly will be there with me.

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