Monday, November 9, 2009

Distributor #2! Whoo hoo!

Drum roll please! I now have 2 distributors working with me! Please welcome Tessa G. She's pretty much amazing. She was on my top 3 list of people to see for numerous reasons. The girl is gorgeous, I mean drop dead stunning. Anything, seriously anything, she is selling I am buying. Because I want to look just like her.

Secondly, she's crazy sweet. You know how you never expect someone so beautiful to actually be nice? Well, she's as sweet and kind and nice and considerate as she is stunning. Amazing combination right?

And here's the kicker. She knows sales, she used to do retail and she kicked up. I'm so lucky and blessed to have her on my team, I can hardly stand it.

So I'm doing a little happy dance and I'm extra excited about her launch party, taking place Tuesday November 17. It's going to be amazing. And I'm bound and determined that she will be an Executive by the end of the month.

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